One week ago today our son Terrance Myron was born. He was born at 11:43 am on February 15, 2009 weighing in at 8 lbs 9 oz. This is 100% cheesy but 150% true, we LOVE being Trey's parents! He is such a good boy. He truly only cries when he is hungry or needs a new diaper. It's been a great week of figuring thing out together for Blinn and I. We have had a ton of support and love from both of our families and friends for which we are grateful. He has had the chance to meet a lot of them already and we look forward to him meeting more soon.
Here are 7 pictures to show a SMALL portion of our first week with our son. I can't believe that a week later I'm finally posting pictures; but it's also hard to believe how quickly a day goes by even though we're just feeding, diapering, napping, and snuggling him! Thanks to all for the thoughts and prayers sent our way- we are definitely feeling them. Enjoy some pictures of our little man!
Oh, and Gus is adjusting well to his new brother. I had to mention our first "baby". :)